
{ new kid on the block }

I never liked standing up in front of a classroom, college included, to introduce myself but if I must
it might go a little something like this:

"Pretty sure there has always been at least one other Brittany in all my classes growing up.
This one enjoys reading books alongside a cup of coffee, 
almost anything that sports fur and a tail, 
and cat naps.
When I was just little, I dreamed of being a writer."  

 Well, it's 2013, I'm not in a classroom, and this is what I hold accountable for why I like telling stories with pictures.
I didn't own my very own camera until I was well into high school.
 Who knew? 
 Everybody's gotta start somewhere
 and this "start" just so happened to be the time of my life.
I am happy to introduce myself to my future clients :)

   photo WeddingSpecial.jpg

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