
{ an autumn hike }

I have an old friend who has a favorite spot. So I asked him to show me. Even after so many years, Zac glady accepted. As inexperienced as I was, I packed a small bag of hiking essentials, lassoed my camera around my neck and followed him. The forecast was rain and snow, wind and cold. We went anyway. Yes we got rained on. Even a little tiny bit snowed on :) But it was the perfect weather. I didn't even have to cover up until we reached the very top where the wind dropped the temperature enough that I couldn't feel my fingers and toes. I got all the hiking out of me that day. An all day endeavor condensed to images. One of the hardest tasks for me. Each and every picture holds a thought, smell, feeling. I can't thank him enough for the experience. It's left me longing for the forest of late autumn. The kind where the leaves have nearly all fallen from the trees. The one where you find yourself playing peek-a-boo with color to find the blue of berries or green of moss still holding on. One beautifully preparing for winter.
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Well, tonight was perfect. What can I say. Meet Ashley and Erik. They go amazing together which is why they are getting married... and I'm invited :) #savethedate  photo Weareinlove_1280blur.jpg  photo Weareinlove_1713blur.jpg


{ andy rooney once said "If dogs could talk... }

it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one." He couldn't of been much more right! I have known Kelly for a few years now and I remember when she very first brought Montiga home. She had wanted a German Shepard and when one finally came her way, she didn't question the small, unhealthy, underweight puppy. She took her in quickly, sure to not waste each minute that mattered and with a lot of hope and love, Montiga gained herself. Their story is proof true love in any form can do amazing things. Let me tell you about the personality this beautiful dog so happily is today. She is an absolute diva! A day with her is so much fun filling in the words she might have said at any given moment :) Of all the places we went to take pictures, the open field was her favorite! I have had the most fun getting to know these two girls and I hope these pictures help me to properly introduce you to Montiga and Kelly.

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